Information Technology
Technology merges science, people and the environment together to address current issues and solve real life problems from misconceptions to the development of devices to enhance your life span. Information Technology (IT) is a well known type of technology that focuses on the study of cell phones, computers, data, networking, imagery, videos and multimedia. Information Technology remains present in our daily lives including the use of computer software, smart devices and homes, GPS navigation, as well as, telephone and radio equipment. Our IT course is designed to equip our learners with foundational skills including the downloading of software applications, accessing, establishing and publishing platform accounts effectively, combining software applications for use and the operation of communication software. By the completion of this course our scholars will successfully apply learned technology skills to their professional pursuits in virtual spaces, as well as, in real life.
Information Technology Course Overview
In our Information Technology Course scholars will attend and complete the following course and classes: Web Design Coding Course, Advanced Information Technology (AIT) classes and Advanced Information Technology Operating Systems (AITOS) classes. Our Web Design Coding Course contains HTML & CSS coding classes.
Intro To Technology
Technology is the study of electronic components and devices, with technology now being a part of our everyday lives and will continue it is imperative that scholars know how to appropriately use not only the technology but its software applications.
Advanced Technology
In advanced information technology scholars to take their information technology skills further after the successful completion of our intro to technology course. In this course learners will about various aspects of advanced technologies that are currently taking technology to the next level in our society in real-time.
Operating Systems
Our advanced information technology operating systems classes were developed for scholars to take their information technology skills even further after the successful completion of our advanced technology classes. Our advanced information operating systems classes are designed to prepare scholars for establishing their online presence by using software applications that will enable them to do so from the comfort of their own homes.